Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 131 from 2012/6/14
i picked up a right bargain yesterday sunday 14th july a powermac g5 dual 2.3 from a music studio for £40 with dual hdd's 2 gb ram but it had the nvida 5200 gpu so popped the one out of my g4 and it ran morphOS very smoothly indeed, i installed MOS on the second hdd ready for when i get the mos key for it.
i will look at investing in a higher gpu like an x800xt or an x850xt or even the x1950xt for it.
make it a little power house
Powermac quicksilver Dual 1ghz Dual Boot Morph OS 3.7 and OS X 10.5.8
PS3 x5
Xbox 360 x 6
Wii x 3
PSP x 3
DS x 3
Custom Gaming Rig