• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > x5000 is shipped with Warp3D Nova card with no older Warp3D support

    All cards supported by Warp3D Nova are also supported by "older Warp3D" via Warp3D-SI.

    > any full PCI-E card support (with full 3D) after 9600 and X14xx

    R3xx: 9800 XT
    R4xx: X800/X850 XT
    R5xx: X1950 Pro/XT (also, there is no X14xx)

    > or whatever were the last PCI models

    Why not AGP?

    > would be great 3.11+ archievement.

    You mean 3.12+. 3.11 has already been released.

    > I suppose these drivers could be legacy backported to x64 if needed

    I don't think any port to x64 would classify as a backport ;-)

    > Topic is Peg2 but also about MOS gfx cards.

    Chain-Q's comment you replied to and quoted twice was only about graphics cards on Pegasos II running MorphOS.
  • »16.08.18 - 23:16