• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 644 from 2005/2/9
    From: Poland
    Lack of drivers for:
    - builtin network card (i need to use Realtek on PCIe)
    - fans (always on middle speed)
    - temperature support
    - gfx card support is not finished, i couldn't get some HD4xxx working, so i use X1950xt
    all of these above would be part of the bounty :D

    + lack of time and releasing new platform support will require support for users etc.
    + professional release should deal with gfx card problem: as PCIes have NVidia card users would need to buy either Radeon X1900 mac version (very hard to find and expensive) or some X1900/X1950 card with pc bios. Having pc bios card (as I have) doesn't allow to see OF or MacosX.

    Good thing with PCie is that WIFI Atheros cards works so no need to look for hard to find Airport for g5 pcies.

    [ Edited by zukow 14.09.2017 - 23:11 ]
  • »14.09.17 - 22:09
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