Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
From: Nella grande r...
Hello Morphers, I have some questions to ask the ommunity:
Issue 1)
More than often I encountered a MorphOS Filesystem Warning message at boot:
It may vary the block number, but more or less it says that:
SmartFilesystem DH1: (ide device. unit 0)
The number of free blocks (7410873) is incorrect.
According to the bitmap it should be 7418700.
The number of free blocks will be now updated.
Pop up Warning Windows has two choices
Continue - No More requesters
Clicking on "continue" it seems system working flawlessly, but after some dozens reboots or restarts it reappears.
So then:
Option A)
Should I validate Hard Disk
Option B)
Save Data and reformat partition DH1:?
Option C)
Start seriously worrying that my Seagate ST9808210A 80 GB UDMA 4200RPM is at least aging and becoming unstable, and should buy another one?
And here my issues:
Upto now I never encountered any loss of data, but in the meanwhile last week I bought an external Firewre/ESata Enclosure 3,5" SATA HD Standard for about 25 euro and I am planning to put in it 1TB unit, in order to backup my system and have a FireWire boot external drive on which installing MacOS as second Operating System.
And also I want to buy a 320 GB IDE 2,5" as internal standard device:
Early MacMini G4 computers does not support units more than 128 GB Units... O_O
What a Apple dirty joke SH°@#!
However this limit does not afflict latest G4 machines and G5.
Question I)
I have MacMini G4 clocked at 1,415 GHz, am I out of danger and can install any kind of hard disks, or am I stuck to a limit of 128GB hard disks?
Question II)
Does this limit afflicts only MacOS and I can format, partitioning and use external 1TB 3,5" unit and internal 320 GB Hard Disk from MorphOS, or is it a limit of the IDE electronics?
If I can manage big data units thru MorphOS, Should I be able to reserve space for N number of MacOS partitions MAX of 128 GB and the system will see it with no problems?
Thank you in advance for any kind answer.
[ Edited by Raf_MegaByte 28.05.2016 - 19:41 ]Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!