Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> I'm guessing that the firmware had bugs, the morphos guys patched them
So you guess the MorphOS team got access to the X5000 firmware source code?
> then aeon went and released the unpatched version, meaning that
> mos won't run on it without unsanctioned user intervention.
So pampers has the patched version on his X5000? If so, how did it arrive there? And how does exchanging a
removable microSD card constitute "
unsanctioned user intervention"?
> I've already said that, right? Once, twice, three times already?
Only the "
mos won't run on it without unsanctioned user intervention" part. The part about the MorphOS team patching the X5000 firmware I've never read before.
>>> Amikit
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmiKit ;-)
> I get the spelling right
No, you don't.