Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Quote:KennyR wrote:
Jim wrote:
Because I should listen to you instead of the few developers I know or the friend that I have that's using an X5000 under MorphOS right now, sure...
OK Red, you're right, Amigans ARE a bunch of head cases.
Fortunately not as much as a bunch of head cases as Amiga vendors - especially A-Eonkit.
Do you
really think they'd risk MorphOS becoming more popular on their flagship "OS4 boards"? I'm told by at least one very good source in the OS4 camp that they have absolutely no intention of allowing that. Cheep cheep.
But keep believing, if it helps you get through the day.
I don't know who has been filling you in on their opinion about this, but Trevor supports the idea of MorphOS running on the X5000.
And besides, why would we give a rat's ass what the OS4 community wants?
Its not like they can stop third party software from running on the hardware.
And if A-eonkit didn't want our developers working with Aeon's hardware, why would they have helped them to source it?
We aren't warring factions you know, its just a hobbyist platform, not a religion.
"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"