• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > they have raised the money for building the three prototypes

    Indeed. So the overall project status in terms of the individual phases is currently as follows:

    0. 12600 EUR: Electrical schematics [accomplished]
    1A. 19000 EUR: PCB [accomplished]
    1B. 5000 EUR: Fast SI bus simulations [accomplished]
    2. 13500 EUR: Prototypes [accomplished]
    3. 14000 EUR: Testing [open]
    4. 12500 EUR: Certification [open]

    If they keep their overall pace of 65% accomplishment in 4.3 years (= 15% per year) then it will be done in early 2024.
  • »25.10.21 - 00:33