Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Andreas_Wolf wrote:
...Btw, I wonder what became of the originally announced Bluetooth.
Please don't bring that back up, I think they forgot about it.

And they jammed a lot in there already, also frankly I think limiting the PCI-E switching is a good thing.
And if people want bluetooth, they can add it via USB (or just use a USB device instead).
Also, isn't the TalosII a Power system, not a PPC?
Splitting hairs, I know, but I tend to think of PPCs primarily as the G3-G5 (and similar) processors.
Anyway, what do you think so far?
[ Edited by Jim 05.11.2017 - 16:17 ]"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"