Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12199 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>>> we'll see when Wipeout 2097 is up and running with Wazp3D.
>> Wazp3D still not workking with Wipeout and others....
> "
I now have Wipeout 2097 running with Wazp3D on MorphOS."
> http://www.amiga.org/forums/showpost.php?p=775361
Wazp3D 56 [...] will appear on Aminet soon [...] This version Allow hardware rendering for morphos/warpos progs : mainly WipeOut2097 (yeeeess) and the demos from "Encore""
Now there:
Beta 56 [...]: With a BIG help from Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró the WarpOS version works now :-) [...] So now Wazp3D-morphos got soft & hard rendering (based on hard TinyGL)
1) Old 68k OS3 progs works
2) WOS ppc progs works (WipeOut2097!!!, BlitzQuake)
3) New ppc OS4 progs dont works because OS4emu dont support Warp3D v5 (the OS4 one used for MiniGL progs). But some rare OS4 ppc demos just based on OS3 sources may works"
http://aminet.net/package/driver/video/Wazp3DScreenshot of WipEout 2097 running on R300 with Wazp3D:
http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10735342_713050585455104_663802731_n.jpgVideo of WipEout 2097 running on R300 with Wazp3D: