Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Quote:Andreas_Wolf wrote:
To answer my own question:
> Do you know if there're any 256 MiB Radeon 9250 cards with
> linear 256 MiB aperture mapping?
It seems there are:
http://www.a1k.org/forum/showpost.php?p=384261 (
Google translation)
Interesting reference. From the look of these cards, a card that isn't based on the reference design might have a continuous 256MB aperture.
BTW - Has anyone had a problem using a specific version of a 9200 or 9250 based card? The only reason I bought a card based on the reference design was to make locating the one resistor that has to be moved (or removed) easier.
I wasn't aware that anyone had experienced problems. The only card I wouldn't recommend for re-flashing is the 9600 as Apple's version uses a specific kind of memory found on only some 9600s (and Apple 9600s are common and fairly inexpensive).
[ Edited by Jim on 2011/1/11 20:47 ]
[ Edited by Jim on 2011/1/11 20:49 ]
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