Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
> I wonder if the Airport NIC for the MacMini is the same as the
> ones for the G4 PowerMac's and G4 eMac's
There was no mention about the form factor of the Airport card inside the G4 MacMini, or mention of it being an Airport Extreme on the page that the above link takes me to, unless it was a different page in that thread, in which case I am not going to search through the whole thread that that link takes me to searching for your answer to my question. I am quite sure that the Airport card inside my G4 MacMini is not a PCMCIA card, like the Airport cards used inside most of the G4 PowerMac's and G4 eMac's. It is probably a mini-PCI type of card, or some other form factor, but my question was about it being the same as the PCMCIA cards so that the same drivers from Neil Cafferkey could be used with the G4 MacMini, if it were not blacklisted in MorphOS2.x. In other words, is the Airport card inside any of the G4 MacMini computers Prism2 compatible? Edit: Just completed a search on Apple.com and see that all Airport cards inside MacMini's are Airport Extreme, not original Airport cards, so my question about them being Prism2 compatible is moot.
> I would imagine that currently the G4 MacMini's Airport card
> is blacklisted in MorphOS2.x
No, according to jacadcaps AirPort Extreme is not blacklisted:
Is the Airport inside all G4 MacMini's an Airport Extreme? Edit: I see that according to Apple the answer is yes.
> the same way that the PCMCIA slot of the G4 PowerMac's
> and G4 eMac's are blacklisted.
There's no MorphOS supported eMac with any form of PCMCIA.
Have you looked? The 1.25GHz G4 eMac that I gave away as a prize at last year's AmiWest 2010 Show had an Airport card inside and it was the same exact form factor as the PCMCIA card inside my Dual 1.25GHz G4 PowerMac. You could say that the G4 PowerMac's do not have PCMCIA slots, just Airport slots inside, but they are physically the same form factor, so the G4 eMac's, at least the one I had, also have Airport slots inside that are physically the same form factor as a PCMCIA slot. So, I disagree with your statement that there is no MorphOS supported eMac with any form of PCMCIA slot.
Edit: this is strange because the information on Apple's support pages shows the Airport inside the 1.25GHz eMac to be an Airport Extreme (unless it was different in different models of 1.25GHz eMac's). I am sure that the eMac I had, had an Airport card inside it that was in a slot the same as the slot inside my G4 PowerMac, a PCMCIA form factor slot, as I was tempted to remove it before I gave the system away, so I could sell it, or use it in another G4 PowerMac later.
[ Edited by amigadave 27.05.2011 - 04:54 ]MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.