Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Yes, IceFS is superior.
But as I don't usually need partitions above 120GB, I have not needed it.
On the tape issue, it can deteriorate.
I have only shipped one card this way (to Pega-1).
If you can find the resistors, de-solder them or cut the traces that lead to them.
I have had success removing the plating for the pins, but that too can be problematic.
Of course, this will not be a problem with G5s as it won't be necessary to disable pins.
And I lucked out and obtained a cheap Apple labeled 9800XT.
Although I have also modified PzC 9800XTs for PC use.
And, further, there are rom files that will allow us to use R400 based cards.
Also while you HAVE to label DH0 'boot', labeling DH1 "System' as many other do makes sense to me.
I've also labeled my OSX partitions 'Mac'.
"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"