Well this is the way I see it...
No flames or trolls intended - just MHO - from the viewpoint of someone standing outside 'Morphos' land.
If these specs/pricepoints are adhered to (and with Genesi's previous track record I have no reason to doubt) the Linuxworld will be in the position where PPCLinux is synonumous with Genesi.
That's a pretty powerful position to be in.
As far as PPCLinux goes they would be a
WorldClass Company.
Now we all know the history, but the position that stands today is that Genesi support MOS with 'best efforts' only.
But they
still support MOS.
Hell, they even support AROS.
As far as Amiga hardware manufacturers go (Even if Amiga is now secondary to them) they are the only game in town.
So the choice I see is this, where the MOSDevs swallow some pride and work with the situation as it is today or sail into obscurity with their pride intact.
Genesi are obviously going places now - they will leave with or without the MOS community.
In the words of Dirty Harry - "Do they feel lucky"?
Like I said - just an observation - no flaming or trolling intended.