MacMini HD multiple issues (FS Warn, New HD, 128GB Limit)
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12204 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > this discussion should deal with same problems we talk in our thread:

    This is not about Mac mini G4 and not even about any Mac, so I don't see the relevance. Again: Show me one discussion that definitely states that there is a >128 GiB HDD problem with any Mac mini G4 model.

    >> stop the nonsense claims and the ignorance

    > people make questions right to exit from their ignorance

    With "nonsense claim" I'm referring to your claim that there are "words of Apple users and pros" and "dozens discussion like these in Mac sites on the web" about >128 GiB HDD problem with Mac mini G4. So far, you failed to back up your claim.
    With "ignorance" I'm referring to your unwillingness to take the word of MorphOS team member Frank "cyfm" Mariak on this issue. I linked to his word in comment #3, yet you continued your questions that were extensively answered by cyfm. You'd just have to read it and be done.
  • »29.05.16 - 18:19
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12204 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >> it was lifted even earlier with the Quicksilver 2002 models.

    > this limit has been removed with Quicksilver

    Quicksilver 2002, as I wrote. The original Quicksilver from 2001 was the last PowerMac to have this problem.

    > some macMini users encounters problems when upgrading their machines with
    > new bigger Hard Disks...

    Any links? (We seem to go round in circles.)

    > Could it be [...] incompatibility with some families of Hard Disks electronics that causes
    > the fault.

    There is always the odd chance that a certain HDD or even entire HDD family and a certain controller don't work together even when they should. I've yet to come across such reports regarding the on-board PATA controller of the Mac mini G4, though.

    > I read Western Digital 320, and Samsung are more prone not being recognized.

    The third one of my three links in comment #16 is to a thread where two users report the Western Digital 320 GB 2.5" PATA HDD (Scorpio Blue WD3200BEVE) to work flawlessly in their Mac mini G4.

    > almost all 3,5" and 2,5" IDE Hard Disks of big dimensions still on the market are right from
    > Western Digital.

    Of the eight 320+ GB PATA HDDs listed by Heise Preisvergleich, four are from Western Digital and four from other vendors (Seagate, Samsung, Hitachi).

    > As long as none was capable to answer me.

    You're kidding me, right?

    > I decided to buy a 320GB IDE 2,5" and test myself, and being a guinea pig for the sake
    > of the MorphOS platform.

    Huh? As can be read from the third link in comment #16, several MorphOS users have been using this very HDD for years successfully. How does that make you a guinea pig?

    > If I encounter any 128GB issue I will report in this thread.

    I'm looking forward to never read from you again in this thread ;-)
  • »29.05.16 - 19:28
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 32 from 2015/5/16
    At least for my G4 Digital Audio I can say that with OS X 10.5 you can access only 128GB of the drive while with MorphOS 3.9 the complete drive is accessible.
    For me this looks more like a driver issue than a firmware issue.
  • »17.06.16 - 20:39