You are exactly correct. Maybe, we will write about this someday...
China in Africa Today Seminar
6-7 March 2007
Tuesday 6 March
07:30-08:00 Participants in process at conference facility/light refreshments available
08:00-08:05 Opening remarks (Maj Gen Craig Koziol, JIOWC Commander)
08:05-08:30 China in Africa Today (Maj Gen Remkes, ECJ5/8)
08:30-08:45 Introduction/Admin (Lt Col Eric Brown, JIOWC)
08:45-08:55 Seminar Strategy and Process (Mr John Rendon)
08:55-09:10 Break
09:10-10:00 China's Strategy in Africa (Dr Peter Pham, Director, Nelson Institute)
10:00-10:30 China's Strategy in Africa: The Internal Perspective (Mr Joseph Lin, Associate Editor, Jamestown Foundation)
10:30-11:00 US Policy in Africa (Ms Claudia Anyaso, Director of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, DoS)
11:00-11:30 EUCOM Africa Strategy (Maj Gen Remkes, ECJ5 J5/8)
11:30-13:00 LUNCH/Administration
13:00-13:30 Why are African Governments attracted to China's regional efforts? (Ambassador Robert Gribbin)
13:30-16:30 Group Discussions: Strengths and Weakness of China/US Approaches in Africa (Mr John Rendon)
13:30-14:45 Topic: Resource development and trade (Discussion leader: Dr Douglas Yates, American University of Paris)
14:45-15:15 Break
15:15-16:30 Topic: Infrastructure development and economic aid (Discussion leader: Mr Bill Buck and Ms Raquel Velasco, Genesi)16:30-17:00 DAILY WRAP-UP
17:30-20:00 Reception/Dinner (Aldaco's Mexican Cuisine)
[ Edited by Genesi on 2009/12/26 23:57 ]