Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12200 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> Sounds like a great chip for MorphOS3.x to run on if we could ever implement
> some kind of SMP, or AMP, or what was the other kind of multi-core, or
> multi-processor implementation you mentioned in this or another thread. [...]
> Maybe if the price and performance is right, this QorIQ Qonverge B4860 super
> chip will be used as the successor to the X1000's PA6T chip on A-Eon's new
> boards that Varisys is working on for them.
I don't see any reason for using the B4860 "super chip" when the
T2080- has the same amount of e6500 cores running at the same clock speed
- has two SATA2 controllers (instead of none at all)
- has two PCIe 3.0 + two PCIe 2.0 controllers (instead of four PCIe 2.0)
- has two USB2 controllers (instead of a single one)
- has a 14% faster memory controller than the B4860
- lacks the expensive (and useless for MorphOS anyway) DSPs and baseband stuff
- will be much cheaper than the B4860
The only relevant advantage of the B4860 over the T2080 that I'm aware of is that the B4860 has two memory controllers while the T2080 has just a single one. Are there any more advantages that are relevant for running MorphOS?
Apart from that, we already know from Trevor's AmiWest 2012 talk that what will most likely be used as
the (higher end) successor to the X1000's PA6T chip is an e5500-based chip (most probably QorIQ P5020 or P5021). From the same talk we know that
chips based on e6500 are supposed to be used by A-Eon only after that. I'm sure Trevor would have wanted to skip the e5500 and go directly with the e6500 but
this is just not possible considering the time frames involved.
> I wonder how much software we have right now that would NOT be broken,
> with a switch to SMP, or AMP?
I don't know about SMP, but the introduction of AMP support into MorphOS wouldn't break any software. That's the nice thing about AMP, besides the easier implementation compared to SMP.
> It has been clearly stated that most or all of the old Amiga 68k software would
> no longer work, but I am unclear about the status of the PPC ports, or original
> software that has been written specifically for MorphOS PPC and has no legacy
> Amiga 68k code, or dependencies?
I don't think there's a difference in this regard between m68k binaries and PPC binaries, as they both use basically the same API.