• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > one of the presenters (Bigfoot?) mentions a possible release of the updated
    > drivers with an upcoming 2.8 release estimated at "some time in the new year"
    > (NB after a MorphOS 2.7 Powermac-oriented-bugfix release estimated "towards
    > the end of November").

    Thanks for your additions. Some more observation as to what was said by the developers:

    1. 3D driver for R300* will come soonish, not Gallium3D based. (20:11)
    2. PowerBook G4 support will not be released before R300 is supported in 3D (and fully in 2D). (39:48)
    3. PCI cards that don't currently work in PowerMac G4 but work in Pegasos (e.g. SATA) are supposed to be supported in PowerMac G4 with MorphOS 2.8. (31:08)

    From those points I conclude that PowerBook G4 support will come not until *after* MorphOS 2.8 release.

    * The developer mentions that R300 includes up to Radeon X850, which is not true. X850 is R400 based. For a full list of R300 based cards (the highest numbered one being the X1050) go there.

    > Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory looks awesome!

    I think that was its predecessor RtCW.
  • »08.11.10 - 18:12