Copy and pasted from - here's hoping the link and smiley syntax is the same here!
Ok, I was going to wait until this was finished to post anything but I'm excited
I am building a custom case out of Lego for my EFIKA. So far I have used about 320 Lego bricks.
The case was originally going to be a cube but it doesn't need to be that tall, so it is now square and will probably be about half as tall as it is wide/deep. However, I had already settled on the name "EFIKube" so it's staying, even if it's not geometrically accurate
Here is the case so far, which shows the basic design:
LinkThe three small holes in the front will be for the power, reset and eject buttons. These will be made of coloured lego bricks with the pegs removed from the top, and the bricks at the bottoms of the holes will also have the pegs removed from the tops. This will allow the buttons to sit in the holes and operate switches behind.
The slit on the right hand side is obviously for the CD tray. This will be hidden by this piece:
LinkThe pegs will also be removed from the top of the bricks on this piece, and from the bricks at the top of the slot in to which it fits. The whole piece will then be attached to the front of the CD tray and will (hopefully) be completely flush so the tray will be invisible.
Here's what is inside so far:
LinkThe gadget in the top left corner is an IDE->USB adapter to allow the CD drive to be connected to the EFIKA. The black towers around the CD drive will hold it in place (but will need padding) and will also support a shelf above the CD drive for the motherboard. The tower in the bottom left of that photo will support the power/reset/eject switches. The wire running along the right edge of the CD drive is soldered to the eject switch to allow the drive to be ejected with an external button.
I need to go to the Lego shop and get the bricks for the switches, then to Maplin and find some suitable switches. Then I need to get my dremel out and try removing the pins from the bricks :nervous:
I'm also looking for suggestions on how to mount the ports in the back of the case. These will be extended away from the board so I don't need to mount the whole backplate. Ideas please!
More updates (hopefully) soon!