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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/8/25
    From: north queensla...

    ibelieve you need to be a bit clearer. Are you going to let APS handle/transer the upgrades as promised by Thendic? Are pegasos 'early adobters' that utilsed their local amiga dealer going to recieve their obligated peg2 upgrades in a reasonable time frame?

    Or are the people that have spoken out and ruffled your 'charity' feathers going to be ostrasized and discriminated as customers?

    Regardless I think the public relations strategy/response as conducted by genesi in public forums is abysmal and embarresing.

    Perhaps you should ccnsider hiring a grassroots PR consultant?

    bbrv's responses to this forum thread perpetuates the public's sterotypes of the amiga comunity regarding standards of customer relations and commitment and make any 'new' members to the mos community that tiny bit more wary.

    regards adam c :-x
  • »25.08.04 - 15:33
    Profile Visit Website
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