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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Okay, now we're getting somewhere. APS is holding checks without cashing them (That seems fair, but can be illegal in some parts of the world. On the plus side, it shows just how much trust APS customers have in them--BRAVO!)

    Okay, if someone purchased an upgrade via the webstore that was charged, there will be records, and I feel that those people should either recieve a board or a refund. (I don't make the boards or run the accounting office, but fair is fair.) Let's not be too hasty in anger.

    So basically, we have some users who bought (at full price) a betatester board back in the day, who want an upgrade. (okay, I understand).

    We have APS under the impression (at the *time*) that they could perform such upgrades, and are holding checks. I'll assume, then, that a few other resellers may have done the same (correct?).

    Then, there are a few who purchased an upgrade directly from Genesi when this was available via the website.

    Those who are asking for the upgrades are not phreeboard assigned boards or pheonix discounts?

    If any of this is ever to be solved we need to know the who, what, when, and where of it all. I'm sure that every situation out there has a solution, but we need to know about the different situations to be able to even attempt to fix them.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »24.08.04 - 20:15
    Profile Visit Website
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