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  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Oh geez, do we all have to have an "attack" attitude? (I don't mean just the folks asking about the boards from Genesi, but those defending Genesi as well.)

    I thought this was covered before, but I want to see what the perception is here:

    1. Was there money sent to anyone, APS or Genesi for said upgrades?

    2. Does everyone understand that the first upgrade "paths" were ruined by certain un-named dealers taking advantage of the "system" making it very difficult to continue?

    3. Those looking for upgrades, are they pegasos-1 users, beta-testers, and/or phreeboards?

    Be simple and straight forward please, no embellishment is required.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »24.08.04 - 18:41
    Profile Visit Website
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