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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20

    bbrv wrote:
    What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    OLA Mr BBRV, Have your read our betatester 1 contract ? I never received a PHREEBOARD. I PAYED A BETATESTER BOARD .

    the patched free board is not an UPgrade, but just a correction applied to the bugged Pegasos 1 like AmigaOnes. It's completly normal to do it and I thank your for it. It would be a shame if you dont do it like the other team with theyr bugged Aones.
    But by Upgrade, I mean something changing on features, like processor or memory type, or bus type or more ports, not just a bug correction. And G4 Processor card would be an upgrade, a pegasos II is an Upgrade.

    What I'm reclaming is juste what you must to do. I'm not the only one waiting for something you promise and we dont see a solution.
    It is not my problem if sombody on your team accepted to upgrade boards officialy from APS and he dont tell it to you, so PLEASE dont say me I'm in fault ! :-x

    Another problem, is you are trying to win time and more time. On this way some users are canceling theyr upgrades. It's not my case .
    I WANT MY UPGRADE !!!! because the PEG II is my favorite "thanks to Bplan"

    IF you decide to dont upgrade the APS boards any more, tell it to us clearly, and we will do what we have to do ! But dont tell us you will do it saying wait and wait and wait more.
    If I'm not stupide, there's PEG2 G4 boards available on you web site, so what are you waitting? :-x
    Dont forget, we "amiga users" are realy very bored of waitting for long time like stupe people.

    And dont forget to thanks Amiga community. It's this community who spend money on first time in your projects like me.

    So, to conclude, I JUST WANT MY UPGRADE .

    [ Edited by serge on 2004/8/24 20:25 ]
  • »24.08.04 - 18:11
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