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  • Leo
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 417 from 2003/8/18

    Leo, exactly what we said -- "when we are ready." The ODWs being *awarded* to developers were paid for by Freescale. BTW, didn't you get your board under the phreeboard program? If so, you are not eligible for the upgrade anyway.

    Some people are waiting for 7 (SEVEN !) months for an upgrade they gave money 7 months ago. And they received no information at all since months: this is a chance they have not completely left the platform after a so long time ! I think you owe them a lot more than "When it's ready" or worst, "when we want" (?!).

    And yes, I was part of the phreeboard program: I'm happy with my board, I perfectly know I am not elligible for an upgrade and I never asked for it. As pointed out Falcon, I'm only writting because I find it inaceptable that people are waiting for ages just to receive a "When it's ready".

    Since I received my board, I coded several programs for MorphOS (see, I promoted the Pegasos/MorphOS at the University for a whole year, including presentations, demonstrations,... And I'm mad to see people leaving the platform because of these delays.


    What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    If you (indirectly) point me, please read again: I did not start this thread. Instead, Serge, who bought a Pegasos1, ordered&paid an upgrade since months now, started it.


    As for solidarity, it would be great if we had some more.

    Some people seeing the updgrade wasn't coming, decided to buy a Pegasos 2 at full price instead of waiting any longer. Some other are now waiting for seven months after having paid something: only Amiga/Pegasos makes it possible. In any other market people would have left the platform (and made bad noise about it) since the first month... And you're asking for solidarity ?


    [ Edited by Leo on 2004/8/24 17:10 ]
    Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.
  • »24.08.04 - 17:32
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