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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 302 from 2003/4/18
    Peg 1 is OK, but it's quiet annoying seeing apps/functions
    which I want to have but only work on peg2...
    I think I have on of the 1st pegs, but the upgrade seems to
    be unlikely.
    I no millionar too, so what am I going to do now?
    Mmmmh, I know:
    I'm going to sell my High-End (but getting more and more dust
    on the top, as I have a peg) Classic Amiga
    A4000D, CyberstormPPC 233/60, GRex, Fastlane,SCSI DVD,
    SCSI CDRoms and about 384 MB Ram soon....

    Do you think I have the money then for a peg2/1Ghz G4 ?


    PS: I dind't want to be impolite with the several
    "Buuuaaäääh, where is my upgrade"-request....
  • »24.08.04 - 14:46
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