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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    Thanks katos1. Yes, please, if *any of you* have a specific issue write us!

    Falcon1, you provided some great support and we included you on a number of shows and trips (and a few good deals), however, as mentioned earlier if we ever suggested such an upgrade in these manner this was before the Articia problems were fully understood and if someone purchased their Pegasos during this period of time we would be happy to upgrade them. This is a very limited number of people. It is sad to say, but these issues become very much exaggerated with time. We actually upgraded well over 100 people with Pegasos II boards.

    BatteMan, where is ASUM today? Where was it a year ago? It seems without Bertrand -- who created the site -- the whole site has disappeared. Remember, this was part of the deal. You were not misrepresented in any way. There are many people who have made sites and received boards. If you have any specific issues just write us. No one, especially us, has lied to you.

    Finally, if some one wants a Pegasos II they can buy one right now through the website. If you have a special request just send us an email. What is most frustrating is the person that started this thread received a PHREEBOARD and should be saying thank you more than screaming for an upgrade for which he does not even qualify.

    How about some community support here?! Genesi is making an determined effort to turn this community into something important in the IT world. We won't get there like this...

  • »24.08.04 - 14:02
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