• Jim
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
    From: Delaware, USA

    takemehomegrandma wrote:

    ...Soon comes the "AmigaOne A1222" that *we know* is crippled. Only remains to see by how much, and what surprises it will bring in this regard.


    BTW Jim, have you put your money where your mouth is yet in regard to the X5000? You have preached the marvels and wonders of the X5000, and how you will buy it for, what... two years now? Surely there must be one sitting on your desk right now? ;-)

    Should I be in a hurry to make that purchase when MorphOS isn't available for it?
    I'm not interested in OS4.
    And I already have Linux running on a Quad 2.5 GHz G5, but that won't run MorphOS, and the video card support isn't quite as good as the X5000 (but I am trying to improve on that).

    Of all that complaints you've listed, only the cooling issue is troubling to me. Aeon should have done a better job with that.
    But I have a third party cooling fan/heatsink sitting here that is due to be shipped to Bigfoot to solve that problem on his machine.

    As the X5000 is a considerable improvement over G4 level hardware, the fact that it doesn't have parity with the G5 doesn't worry me.

    Oh, and in addition, I'm actually waiting for the X5000/40, btw.

    Nothing in your post negates the savings in electricity I mentioned. So while your opinion of the X5000 is duly noted, it doesn't change my regard.

    You ARE right about the A1222 though, it's a fiasco.
    "Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"
  • »08.09.17 - 14:03