PMG5won't boot MOS
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 90 from 2005/2/16
    Hi there!

    So I had this nice PMG5-1.6 with MorphOS installed and registered, which died on me at a local Amiga-and-Atari lovers' meeting. Duh.

    Before I ask MOSTeam to please pretty please move my license to another machine I have to find one and test it.
    Luckily I found a cheap PMG5x2 (AGP port) without a harddrive.
    I put the old PMG5-1.6' harddrive and Radeon 96000 in it, and try to boot it. I can reach OF, list files on either hd or cd (MorphOSBoot), but when trying to boot it just ouputs "Loading ELF" and nothing more.
    Someone told me it could be that the RAM sticks are slightly KO, OK enough to boot OF but not enough to load MorphOS.
    What do you think?

  • »10.03.16 - 21:24