WeiXing3D wrote:
I borrowed an ASUS Wireless G-Access Point (WL-330GE) to give it a try. Could anyone please point me to where I can find an installation/configuration guide to maek it work with my MOS MacMini?
I suppose you have to use this nice object as Ethernet Adapter. You can use it also as Access Point, Gateway and Universal Repeater.
You can configurate it with OWB.
You have to login with its default IP
Default Password: admin
Default Username: admin
In the Mode Quick Setup page, click the Adapter tab.
From the available list of devices in LAN, select the device you want to connect to.
Click Connect.
If it doesn't work, try rebooting morphos and retry connecting, try resetting the adapter or check your router setup to allow access from the Asus Adapter.
Have a good luck!