Pc Twin Shock Joystick
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 96 from 2011/4/6
    From: Naples, Italy
    I've an old ps3 pc twin shock joystick usb.
    With the latest firmware it doesn't work anymore on ps3, so i've tried it on computers.
    On sam440 os4.1 it works (at least with hunoppc sdl games), in windows and morphos mame no. No way.
    Windows views it as a "5 axis 13 buttons" and the stick as a point of view hat.
    Is there a way to map it in morphos as os4?
    Mac Mini g4 1,5 mos 3.1 registered
    Powerbook g4 1,67 mos 3.1 unregistered
    Sam440 Os4.1.6
  • »26.12.13 - 12:35