Hi i have a dream a nice,silent,fast,expandable and cheap morphos box :D.
So i decided to build my own.
I bought a Powermac G4 Digital Audio motherboard including a 466 cpu and heatsink total cost 15 usd + shipping.
Then i got a big case 80 usd not cheap at all including a 500 watts psu.
I already got a sonnet 1.4 ghz accelerator board.
Then i modified a molex 24 to 20 atx adapter to the powermac psu the connector is the same but some wires carry diferent voltages/signals the modification is very simple.
The wiring diagram is here.
The only deference i found is that the most easy way is connect the mac sense +28v line to the purple +5v ATX wire the firewire port will not work this way also adc monitors cannot be use but who cares. I connected the reset and power buttons to the case buttons and left the power led and hard disc led disconnected.
The ATX case need extra holes to acommodate the MAC motherboard the screws don't fit ATX standar case.
Also flashed and cuted the traces from a ATI Radeon 9200 256 PC edition, works great on 2D but i get some graphic glitches on 3D i will post extra deatails on this later when i get home maybe someone can give me a hand.
The only issue i got is that i got the chord chimes every time the computer start. But the onboard sounds works randomly if i reboot 5 time 1 of the five times i got sound working maybe someone have an idea of this issue.
Posting pics leather when i got home of the build process and results :D.
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