Is e-UAE really that bad or is it my Hardware that suxx?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2012/8/30
    From: Nauheim, Germany

    at first i want to introduce myself a bit:
    i'm pretty new to morphos. Stumbled on it 2 weeks ago and was so curious about it that i directly bought a macmini g4 1.5G and a morphos license.
    I copyed some almost forgotten files from my old A4000 and i'm pretty happy about that so far.

    Especially the Trance JIT compiler is great and really quick!
    (some emulated 68k apps (Aweb, ibrowse) actually feel faster then some linux-ported-ppc-native applications (owb) cause of that ixemul overhead.)
    I know that this comparison isnt fair cause OWB obviously is much more complex then the old AWeb, but anyway... in direct comparison OWB just is painfully slow... Even safari on MacOS 10.5 on the very same machine feels faster after its loaded.
    Anyway, i got a bit carried away.

    After some playing around with MorphOS i wanted test E-UAE.
    Its already integrated in the Ultimate Pack (Thanks Papiosaur!! Great work!!!) so i had a quick start.
    But.. then.. O M G.
    Is it just me or does E-UAE really suck that much?!
    Is it maybe only this WIP-Version in the Ultimate Pack that has too much bugs?! Is an older release maybe better

    It has no JIT Compiler so its slow.... ok.
    Only the sdl release has P96 support.. but the sdl release is even slower... ok
    The Mousecurser goes mad in the Window mode
    I can't move or resize or close or do anything with the open windows (neither the active UAE-Window, nor the Log-Shell) because the title bar is unaccessable.. the mouse curser changes to "resize" when i'm near the windows.
    When i want to insert a ADF, i have to hammer on ctrl+alt+f1 some times until it finally recognised it....
    when that file-windows is finally open, i doubleclick a folder and it moves to the background!!!! ???? WTF? I guess the OS recognized a doubleclick on the underlying window and moved that to front.
    Only workaround is only 1-click on a folder and open it with enter-button.
    .. after all this mess i made a virtual HD-mapping and tried to install WB3.1 there..
    Install-Disk.. Locale-Disk.. Workbench-Disk.. then it freezes. :-/
    Unknown something error in the E-UAE log. (i dont remember the exact error cause i was a bit pissed off)
    Then i turned the machine off and switched to my Windows Box running WinUAE.

    Is it maybe my Macmini that has bogus RAM (or other hardware fault) or is E-UAE just that useless compared to WinUAE?

    Sorry about the long Text.

    Kind Regards,
  • »30.08.12 - 16:19
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > feel faster then some linux-ported-ppc-native applications (owb)
    > cause of that ixemul overhead.

    I have doubts that OWB uses ixemul. The only ported thing in OWB is the rendering engine itself, and maybe parts of the network code. The user interface has been written from scratch by the fabulous Fab (with some help from itix, IIRC).

    > OWB just is painfully slow... Even safari on MacOS 10.5
    > on the very same machine feels faster after its loaded.

    Here (same machine, same MacOS version) it's clearly the other way round.
  • »30.08.12 - 16:33
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2012/8/30
    From: Nauheim, Germany
    Hi Andreas,

    very strange.
    Maybe its really something with the memory? i really dont know.
    I will test this some further. I also didnt make a benchmark or something. Its just my personal feeling.. Starting.. waiting for a website.. it just feels so sluggish.
    I also tried youtube with that script in the ultimate pack.
    Yea it works, but also only in 360.
    In 480-resolution it starts to drop frames and the sound isnt in sync anymore.
  • »30.08.12 - 16:44
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I also tried youtube with that script in the ultimate pack.
    > Yea it works, but also only in 360. In 480-resolution it
    > starts to drop frames and the sound isnt in sync anymore.

    That's what the full-screen (or rather full-window) mode is for. You may have to use this script:

    With that activated, the video should play smoothly in overlay mode.
  • »30.08.12 - 16:50
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2012/8/30
    From: Nauheim, Germany
    Thanks for that hint.
    I'll try that!
  • »30.08.12 - 17:45
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2012/8/30
    From: Nauheim, Germany
    I tried the Fullscreen-Fix and it is really much quicker. At least 640x360 (H.264 and WEBM VP8) and 854x480 (WEBM VP8) work quite nice.
    Btw: It took me quite a while to understand the "numbers" (i guess thats the internal Youtube ID's for each resolution) under the Video.
    God thanks, i found the ID-to-Resoltion Table in the Prefs-menu.
    Maybe someone should replace that IDs with a Human-understandable Description instead.
    Maybe i'll take a look at that youtube script this weekend. Cant be that difficult.

    Anyway thanks for the hint. I didnt expect the overlay mode to be that much faster.

  • »31.08.12 - 10:58
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > It took me quite a while to understand the "numbers" (i guess
    > thats the internal Youtube ID's for each resolution) under the Video.
    > God thanks, i found the ID-to-Resoltion Table in the Prefs-menu.

    Wikipedia has a detailed overview:
  • »31.08.12 - 11:05
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    In the youtube.js script that replaces Flash by HTML5, there's a description of the ids in the "preferences" link indeed.
    Anyway, the reason why overlay fullwindow is so much faster is that it doesn't have to go through cairo, which makes it about as fast as MPlayer (i reused the same blitting routine, actually, more or less).

    As for youtube_fullscreen_fix.js, it's meant to change the fullscreen behaviour of the custom HTML5 player of youtube (by default, they just stretch the area, making it even slower for us, so i just bypassed this and switch to overlay mode instead).

    Keep in mind Odyssey/WebKit uses Cairo backend, and on our platform, it's not hardware accelerated at all. That said, i don't share your experience, it's faster than Safari in most cases.

    About UAE, it seems you want to use it for workbench emulation, and in this case better use fullscreen mode, otherwise mouse handling is a bit annoying (the mousegrab option is only available in the sdl version IIRC).
    Regarding file requesters for ADF insertion, i don't have that kind of trouble here.
    If you plan to play games with UAE, i'd suggest using the non sdl version, and in overlay mode for a bit extra speed (amiga.use_overlay=1 or so).

    [ Edited by Fab 31.08.2012 - 10:47 ]
  • »31.08.12 - 11:45
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2012/8/30
    From: Nauheim, Germany
    Thank you for that background info about OWB.
    About the speed OWB vs. Safari: I have to relativate that a bit.
    The Raw website rendering seems to be nearly the same as on Safari.
    But when i first tested OWB, i was on Google and they do this "instant-search-while-typing" and this is really unusable slow. I can type 2-3 letters and then OWB freezes for some seconds and i cant type anything until the search results (for this incomplete search) comes up.
    I definitivly dont have this behavior in Safari. Thats why my first impression was so negative.
    So i guess its not the html-rendering but the javascript interpreter thats a bit slow.

    Another thing i saw is that with multiple open OWB windows it really gets slow too.
    Maybe a memory thing? Just a thought.

    About UAE:
    I first used the SDL Version because i wanted to use P96... later i discovered that this is pretty useless because it was just too unstabile.
    So i switched to non-SDL but in window mode and had the issues described above.
    I will try overlay mode though. Lets see if that works better.
  • »31.08.12 - 12:46
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > with multiple open OWB windows it really gets slow too.
    > Maybe a memory thing?

    This issue has been discussed here on MorphZone in the past. You may want to read from there:
  • »31.08.12 - 13:09