New SDL2 port of Dune Legacy
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 11 from 2015/1/15
    Dune Legacy 0.97.02:

    Readme should tell more, but here is some information:

    Port supports at least LAN game, never tested internet game. LAN game works also with 0.97.02 Windows version. Tested with MorphOS and Wine/Windows10. Because of Windows version is 0.97.02 and not 0.97.2. Net implementation checks versions.

    Required files/libs:
    - SDL2 + its dependency TinyGL update
    - data files are of course required ;) Email or here are OK for me.

    You can find all required files from, including data files.

    I have only tested this with MOS3.19, Powerbook and briefly with Mac mini. So there might be bugs. If you find any let me know or make patch. ;) Both diff and original git commit info are included.
  • »17.03.25 - 17:21
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 644 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE
    hi, thanks i love this game !

    i see something in your diff file:


    +#ifdef __MORPHOS__
    +// something MorphOS SDL2 port needs while linking I do not
    +// have any idea why it requires such thing. Return zero seems
    +// to work
    +unsigned int TGLGetMaximumContextVersion(void *tgl)
    + return 0;

    This function is a new part of tinygl SDK

    You need to install last SDK of TinyGL (, SDL2 need it.

    When you link your program: put "-lSDL2 -lGL"

    Last version of tinygl support FrameBuffer Objects, and SDL2 use it when called SDL_CreateTexture with SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET flag. I have this problem when I did this port
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »17.03.25 - 18:05
    Profile Visit Website
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 11 from 2015/1/15

    I'll test with that. I thought that I had latest one, but probably not.
  • »17.03.25 - 18:31
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 11 from 2015/1/15
    Actually forgot to update my cross compiling environments TinyGL. Workaround removed.

    Previously I also compiled it with MOS and probably messed something with TinyGLs SDK install.

    I also love this game. I used 90s many hours with Dune2. Best thing with Dune Legacy is that there is original game and it brings something new to it also. OpenDune is OK, but not as good in my opinion.
  • »17.03.25 - 19:06
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 644 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE
    > OpenDune is OK, but not as good in my opinion.

    yeah same here :-)
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »17.03.25 - 19:07
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 644 from 2010/2/10
    From: FRANCE
    You can check this fork:
    Seem to be modernize version... dont know if working fine or not
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5, IMac G5 2.1, PowerBook G4 1.5, MacMini 1.5
    My MOS ports
  • »17.03.25 - 19:09
    Profile Visit Website
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 11 from 2015/1/15

    beworld wrote:
    You can check this fork:
    Seem to be modernize version... dont know if working fine or not

    There seems to be interesting patches. At least to enet part of the code. That vcpkg package manager might be tricky, if it is really needed. There are also some new dependencies.

    I can test to compile it some point. Starting with those new dependencies it has.
  • »17.03.25 - 20:07