Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 711 from 2004/2/10
MagicSN wrote:
@Cowcat: Well if you have a version of the Q2 WarpOS version which compiles) I could give you a copy of the WOD8 Mod matt3 asked for.
I tried a compile for it with WOS, it mostly compiles, but it would need to be linked with exactly the same version of libdl.a which you are using for the WOS Compile (you could of course send me this, and dll.h which you use, if you have it handy, thx in advance).
With the recent WOS compiler with the dll.c/dllstartup.c/dllimport.c I had handy I get undefined reference to CreatePort/DeletePort.
Asides from that it should be easy to make a WOS-compatible version running with your compile of it, if it is based on the old Hyperion version.
Thanks MagicSN for helping out here.
@Cowcat is that easily done?