• Cocoon
    Posts: 41 from 2024/7/11

    I only did a 68k and a OS4 compile, no WOS compile. So probably it won't run.

    The reason why Mods don't work with most Q2 ports is that most porters were "lazy" and just recompiled it as a monolithic exe. Which does not support Mods then. I always did Mod Support for games which support Mods on PC version, even if it was some extra work.

    As you mentioned the WOD mod this is one of the mods I ported over to 68k and OS4 (it was a huge amount of Mods I ported).

    I did:

    OS4 -> I used so libraries (basically libdl stuff) to handle Mods (basically there is a game.so which then gets loaded by the main exe)
    68k -> I used "Hyperion DLL" which is basically that the "DLL" is an AmigaOS Exe which communicates through a messageport with the main exe and exchanges addresses of the functions to call from the "DLL". This will of course only work if the main exe and Mod are done for the same Q2 Port. For WarpOS Executables I use the same in some cases (for example the original H2 WOS from 25 years ago used this system as well to allow H2 Mods). And in case of G17 WOS (and 68k) I have such a "DLL" implementing the sound system.

    If this would be done for WOS or MOS this would require both the main exe and the Addons to get recompiled (for WOS or MOS). A recompile for WOS is probably pretty easy taking the 68k version source code as a starting point. But of course only the Mods would work which also get a recompile.

  • »20.12.24 - 14:05