• Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2023/9/19
    hi there ...

    I´m in nearly the same situation, my Apple Cinema Display only works on it´s native resolution and I cannot use most of the programs fullscreen ...

    But for Smoking Guns can also run in a window, just open the DEFAULT.CFG and find this part :

    seta r_mode "4"
    seta r_fullscreen "1"
    seta r_customwidth "1600"
    seta r_customheight "1080"

    to :

    seta r_mode "-1"
    seta r_fullscreen "0"
    seta r_customwidth "640" (or whatever you want the window size to be)
    seta r_customheight "480" (see above)
  • »20.09.23 - 16:43