• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
    Streets of Rage 2X, is really the Streets of Rage mod that ends them all! Incredible graphics, amazing ambient visual effects, pumped up soundtrack and sound effects along with a cheesy gameplay, including multiple paths and stages from many SOR games. Originally developed around 2018 if I recall correctly, released about a year - a year and a half ago, it continues to be improved (latest commit about half month ago).
    With our OpenBOR latest version however you need to: 1) Skip the intro (same like He-Man), 2) Remap the Special attack button (seems to be bound with some debug mode) and 3) Upon Game Over (if zero credits are reached or player chooses to "end game" during gameplay) it quits. Other than these quirks, game is 100% playable and full.
    Extract PAK from Windows build, here (big game, almost 300MB). An absolutely astonishing game nonetheless!

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rescue Palooza is somewhat compatible. Plays ok but you can't choose to enter at least 3 maps, hence the game cannot be completed, which is a big bummer given that basically this mod is probably the second best TMNT game of all times after the recent commercial hit "Shredder's Revenge" :/

    @BeWorld, dude can you check what's wrong with the video format on He-Man and SOR2X mod during intros? Are we missing some video codec or something?
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  • »08.08.22 - 14:43
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