Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
Well, the offending line on the originally provided Postal.ini must be the one I described above, since I checked them all, one by one. Hope Lord76 can verify that as well.
What's funny is that Sound testing seems to work (0-9, A-Z sound test).
Headed over to select a Level from the main menu and got the following error:
STUBBED: RSPiX/Src/CYAN/Unix/uDialog.cpp:146
Edit: The game loaded! For the ninth time, rebooted, deleted ./PostalPlus/Postal.ini, edited Postal.INI on main path (left only the lines you suggested), launched game, selected first campaign and it played. I have no idea why or how though. It can't be random.
The resulted postal.ini on ./PostalPlus contains GameFilmScale = 1,000000 as well. and it looks the same (I think) than the one you originally provided.
Here it is:
File = res/levels/postal_plus_realms.ini
DeviceRate = 22050
;DeviceBufTime = 300
PainFrequency = 5
AudioLanguage = 0
UseJoystick = 0
UseNewMouse = 0
UseMouse = 0
MouseSensitivityY = 1,000000
MouseSensitivityX = 1,000000
TapRotationDegrees = 10,000000
StillFastTurnRate = 240,000000
StillSlowTurnRate = 180,000000
RunTurnRate = 300,000000
WalkTurnRate = 240,000000
Mines = 0
Flamer = 9
Napalm = 8
Molotovs = 7
Heatseekers = 6
Missiles = 5
Grenades = 4
SprayCannon = 3
Shotgun = 2
MachineGun = 1
NoWeapon = Left Quote
PrevWeapon = Left Bracket
NextWeapon = Right Bracket
NextLevel = F1
Suicide = K
Execute = X
Rejuvenate = Space
Duck = F
FireDown = Down
FireUp = Up
FireRight = Right
FireLeft = Left
Fire2 = None
Fire = Control
Strafe2 = None
Strafe1 = None
Run2 = None
Run1 = Shift
StrafeRight = None
StrafeLeft = None
MoveRight = D
MoveLeft = A
Down = S
Up = W
Backward = None
Forward = None
Right = None
Left = None
Mines = None
Flamer = None
Napalm = None
Molotovs = None
Heatseekers = None
Missiles = None
Grenades = None
SprayCannon = None
Shotgun = None
MachineGun = None
NoWeapon = None
PrevWeapon = None
NextWeapon = None
NextLevel = None
Suicide = None
Execute = None
Rejuvenate = None
Duck = None
FireDown = None
FireUp = None
FireRight = None
FireLeft = None
Fire2 = None
Fire = None
Strafe2 = None
Strafe1 = None
Run2 = None
Run1 = None
StrafeRight = None
StrafeLeft = None
MoveRight = None
MoveLeft = None
Down = None
Up = None
Backward = None
Forward = None
Right = None
Left = None
Mines = None
Flamer = None
Napalm = None
Molotovs = None
Heatseekers = None
Missiles = None
Grenades = None
SprayCannon = None
Shotgun = None
MachineGun = None
NoWeapon = None
PrevWeapon = LB
NextWeapon = RB
NextLevel = B
Suicide = Y
Execute = X
Rejuvenate = A
Duck = LT
FireDown = None
FireUp = None
FireRight = None
FireLeft = None
Fire2 = None
Fire = None
Strafe2 = None
Strafe1 = None
Run2 = None
Run1 = None
StrafeRight = None
StrafeLeft = None
MoveRight = None
MoveLeft = None
Down = None
Up = None
Backward = None
Forward = None
Right = None
Left = None
UnlockedLevels = 1114113
CompletedAllLevelsMode = 0
KidMode = 0
UseCrossHair = 1
RecentViolence = 11
RecentDifficulty = 5
HostKillLimit = 20
HostTimeLimit = 0
HostRejuvenate = 1
HostResetScoresEachLevel = 1
HostName =
HostMaxPlayers = 16
HostMinBandwidth = 0
Bandwidth = 1
Color = 0
Name =
Protocol = 1
Port = 61663
Server =
EditorViewHeight = 480
EditorViewWidth = 640
GameFilmScale = 1,000000
GammaVal = 128
PlayAmbientSounds = 1
VolumeDistance = 1
ParticleEffects = 1
3DLighting = 1
XRayEffect = 1
AlphaBlend = 1
DisplayInfo = 0
PAIN = 8
[ Edited by Cool_amigaN 25.04.2021 - 23:18 ]