MorphOS Developer
Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11
ATI 8500 275/275 = 1440
ATI 9250 240/166 64bit = 661
(yes, 166mhz, and on the package stands 200Mhz! togetehr 400Mhz DDR)
Warsow all on, Tribble buffer, 32bit, FPS on the MAP WCTF1
800x600 = 47FPS
1024x768 = 32FPS
On which of the graphics cards? And was that a 486? :)
How were the numbers obtained? Staring into a random wall? :P
The Port runs only perfectly on Radeon 9250 and Radeon 9000! Only on radeon 9000 you can walk trough some textures, I don?t know if the Bug is found in other gfx cards, too! I will inform you about this later!
The Port has Gfx failures on Radeon 7000, 8500, 9000PRO!
The Gfx failures are: Wrong colours in the whole picture and colourful big pixels instead of text after some minutes playtime, or in the moment as a grenade explodes!
Hmm, let's see...
I originally wrote:
Please don't link to this archive from anywhere else yet.
Which you ignored, causing other people to download it without reading the warnings, like this one:
Of known problems can be mentioned that Radeon users who experience graphics problems probably want to reduce the texture detail in the graphics settings in the game. This isn't a bug in the game itself, though, but rather a feature of some of my other absolutely perfect code.
I'm guessing that only the guy with the 9250 reads MorphZone.
The Port runs very slowly on Voodoo 5 5500 MAC , and with the Gfx failures you see above!
I only tried with my Voodoo 3, as I can't find my Voodoo 4 and my Voodoo 5 is too large to fit in my current tower. The speed was very competitive with the Radeons, at least at lower resolutions, and definitely no graphics corruptions. The problem causing the corruptions on the Radeons doesn't exist in the latest Voodoo driver released, so maybe he should install that one if he hasn't already?
(By God, I hate meta-bugreports :)
While you're writing an apology on that German forum and informing them of the original post, can you please ask whoever (after reading that post and upgrading to latest drivers) still has problems to either post here or email me at Thanks. If language is a problem, I'll try my best to read German (just keep it short and to the point if you do write in German, though. Thanks :)
I?ve seen that you don?t have a Icon!
I do :)
Jobbo, the 0-day icon provider, made a nice icon for inclusion in the package when the port is actually released :)
I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username], where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.