• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 582 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    BalrogSoft wrote:

    Piru wrote:
    Trust me, it doesn't work correctly.

    What's the problem exactly?

    It kills the shell process when ran from shell. The shell window stays but the actual shell process goes away, effectively killing it.

    Current version does work correctly when started from Ambient, though.


    The first version with nostartupfiles isn't working?

    It is not, when started from shell.


    It works without nostartupfiles?

    calling exit() works correctly indeed.


    Have you tried the last version?

    I don't need to. I know RemTask(0) from shell is not good for the shell.



    Piru wrote:
    Unfortunately in the current version there is no way other than hitting the window close gadget or calling exit() or longjmp().

    It leaves very few options, I tried longjmp before, and it doesn't work with nostartfiles

    That is indeed correct, longjmp isn't any better than exit in this regard, as it also pulls in much of libnix.

    The next release of TinyGL allows CTRL-C termination, even when idlefunc is used.
  • »23.05.14 - 06:12