Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 616 from 2003/11/24
From: Belgrade
Acill wrote:
So will MorphOS be released for this thing or not is all I want to know. I am seriously considering one if it is, just to clear up some office space and be able to try OS4 on the same machine I run MorpgOS on. My G5 is nice, but it has no OS4 support.
I may even clear out some of my classic hardware if 4.1FE runs classic stuff as well as I hear it does.
Dont buy it for OS4 experience or at least wait until things mature. x5000 is faster quite a lot then x1000 minus Altivec (+20% clock rate,
better MIPs per Mhz) but there is virtualy nothing under OS4 that can make it sweat
(as I cant on x1000).
Plus OS is in serious beta, judge it for yourself
I might go even from x1000 to x5000 some point of distant future when things get sorted up
(and 040 model lives, if it lives with some SMP as more added speed + DDR3 RAM),
just for added MorphOS experience and escaping CFE curse. But if MOS PPC gets PA Semi/Nemo
support one day, that wouldnt be needed for x1000 owners.
Also Linux that could make decent desktop use of any G5,x1000,x5000
is not officially supported on x5000 and is some tricky mambo jumbo to install and update
and 3D on Southern Island cards is problematic
So you get better Linux and stable MOS experience on high end G4/G5
and save some nerves until mythical OS 4.2, Libre and lets say Tower 57 arrive.
Only new worthy OS4 app is EMOTION, really good video player that simply
works great.
MorphOS port of Emotion would be great. Since its EncliclerX who owns it,
maybe its possible to preorder enough for them to have sustainable port,
if of any interest (I am not aware of MOS video player situation)
Flagship browser Odyssey and YAM are both avail for MOS, Odyssey even
in a bit updated version to OS4. Feature and software wise there are
subtle differences (better RadeonHD support on OS4, WarpOS support on MOS ...)
but they arent that big in favour of OS4 only. And MOS you can currently drive on
cheap hardware.
Classic stuff on OS 4.1FE update 1 (4.1.8). Wouldnt bet on that one either. In my experience
Photogenics and very few apps work out of box, few with heavy tweaks
and many not at all, or crash easily. MOS will do better there,
Vampire is a champ. WarpOS software works on OS4 SAM440 and maybe old A1
but not on x1000/x5000. Hype knows of bug, too laisy to fix or as that say "unimportant"
MorphOS works there if you need WOS apps and games.
Also, Enhancer makes OS looks nice and has new improved AmiDock X
and few updated tools. It is kind of what Hyperion was supposed to do.
Warp3D Nova is nice, but just few demos and one game currently (I am not fan of Minecraft).
[ Edited by vox 29.05.2017 - 14:34 ]------------------------------------------
iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
Lame PC with AmiKit XE, Linux, AROS and sadly Win11
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